





About Pepar

“Play. Engage. Participate” is a KA2 Strategic Partnership between four organizations from Denmark, Czechia, Spain and Poland. The main aim of the project is to increase youth participation in social and political life by creating a number of specific innovative gamified tools that aim to address different levels of participation.

Project Objectives

To increase youth worker’s and NGO’s competences and overall capacity to implement gamification methodology in youth work

To increase the competences of youth workers and NGOs in the field of youth participation, its levels, challenges and strategies

To help youth workers increase participation and civic engagement of youth by creating innovative educational methods on Participation and Engagement

To create a guide, which will enable educators to easily use these specific tools in their daily work

To disseminate gamification and NFE methods to youth workers in participating countries, but also share it amongst our networks in the EU


Check out the educational games on youth participation developed within our Erasmus+ project.

They are free-of-charge and we invite you to use them in  youth work and to share them with other educators working with youngsters on the topic of participation.

Community Game

In this board game, you are a group of young people living in The Community. Together, you will be facing various situations that appear in your surroundings and trying to make the best possible impact!

Are you ready to make the change?

Competent Participation

This card game helps to develop 8 main competences that are essential in personal and professional life!

Create memes, count numbers, recycle, negotiate, speak in Esperanto and… get as many certificates as possible!

Guess Clue

The aim of this fast game is to work together to come up with clues that will allow one person to guess a mystery word.

The topics will revolve around participation, social issues, and civic engagement. Watch out, take care so that your clue is not eliminated!


How many ideas can your team contribute on the topic of youth participation?

Be the last team contributing ideas on winning the competition. Be careful, in this energising game, what counts is time and being original, but staying to the point!

Let’s Get Loud!

Become a member of an NGO, start online advocacy, vote and protest! This fun card game is all about collecting types of youth participation and reflecting on their importance.

Be the first to shout STOP and win!

Pepar Digital Game

You see a big rally at the square in front of the town hall. Interestingly, it is mostly the young people who are participating in it.

You come closer and… Go for an adventure in the world of youth participation! React to situations and see where your own choices will bring you!


All the games have been developed and tested during two international activities in Spain organised by all the project partners.

“Game On!” in May 2021 (Mollina, Spain)

During this 7-days training, youth workers from Czechia, Denmark, Poland and Spain worked on innovative gamification tools and developed prototypes of educational games on the topic of youth participation.

I learned about game theory, youth participation, and of course about designing games. I was a member of a small team and together we created a card game that teaches about skills and attitudes that we develop by participating in various types of volunteering or projects.


Participant, Game on!

“Playing for participation” in March 2022 (Mollina, Spain)

During this 9-days activity, young people from Czechia, Denmark, Poland and Spain learnt about participation & gamification and tested the games developed within the project.

Wondering what I liked the most, I cannot name one, two or five elements… (…) Initial curiosity ‘but what does participation have to do with gamification?’ began to take shape with each passing day.


Participant, Playing For Participation


Soholm 4H

Søholm 4H is a local club of 4H with about 350 members that works to engage youth to reach their fullest potential through practical learning. We arrange and facilitate activities to stimulate young people’s development with leadership training courses and weekly activities.

 Søholm 4H works under the motto “Learning by doing” and values practical work, and helps to self-help throughout our activities.

Cefig International

CEFIG International is a social entreprise based in Czechia. Our main focus is to build and develop youth competences in media and financial literacy, critical thinking and social entrepreneurship. We are passionate about innovative non-formal education methods, especially gamification.

YoWo Poland

YoWo Poland is a young NGO established in Poland. Our mission is to promote active citizenship, volunteering, conscious lifestyle, as well as to encourage young people to participate in European mobility opportunities through which they can experience intercultural learning.

Las Niñas del Tul

Las Niñas del Tul is a non-profit cultural association that has been carrying out activities in the province of Granada for more than 20 years. We are an organization with extensive experience in youth work that focuses on the methodology of non formal education to offer, primarily, opportunities at the individual level for personal development through experimentation and learning by doing and at the same time, to provide the organizations with which we work and collaborate with the necessary information to exploit the resources available to them.


Do you want to know more about the games and methods we use in youth work?

Have you tested the games and would like to share with us your feedback?

Contact us:


All the games have been developed within the Erasmus+ project “PEPAR. Play. Engage. Participate”.

They are free-of-charge and open-source. You can use, download and share them for free and as you wish.

We will be very pleased if you mention the source (the Erasmus+ project and us as creators) every time you play the games with your target groups 🙂

You can also share this website with your colleagues and help more people to have free access to the games developed in this Erasmus + project.


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